布法罗的天: A City-Wide Celebration of 詹姆斯敦’s Prairie Heritage
从7月21日到23日, 2023, 詹姆斯敦 will host one of its most beloved summertime events, 的 布法罗的天 节日. As a symbol of 的 region’s prairie heritage, 水牛, 或美洲野牛, is central to 詹姆斯敦’s local culture. 为了纪念这一遗产, 布法罗的天 features events and deals from several agencies, 企业和组织. 星期五至星期日, 的 schedule is jam-packed with a wide range of activities, 包括游行, 卖主展示, 高尔夫球锦标赛, 孔洞锦标赛, 音乐会和拖泥带水.
布法罗的天 is a spectacular city-wide event that welcomes visitors into 詹姆斯敦 and invites former residents to come back home. 最重要的是, 的 节日 serves as a community celebration of 的 meaning behind 詹姆斯敦’s nickname, 布法罗城.”
布法罗的天: A Commemoration of Buffalo City
布法罗的天 commemorates 詹姆斯敦’s relationship with 的 American bison. 高达26英尺, The World's Largest Buffalo Monument stands watch over 詹姆斯敦, North Dakota. Originally created to recognize 的 area’s rich history with 的 American bison, 的 60-ton concrete sculpture was built in 1959 by sculptor Elmer Paul Petersen. 通过一场超过3人的比赛,500个条目, 的 statue was officially named “Dakota Thunder” by a North Dakota resident in 2010. Today, 的 statue is a significant tourist draw for 詹姆斯敦 and a source of local pride.
位于雕像附近的是 国家水牛博物馆, which honors and educates on 的 United States’ official national mammal. 通过解说板, artifacts and original artwork at 的 museum, visitors can journey through history and discover 的 historic, 生态, 经济, and cultural significance of 的 American bison. 从博物馆的后面, visitors can view 詹姆斯敦’s buffalo herd out in a natural prairie habitat. While residents can interact with 的se community staples year-round, 布法罗的天 provides a joyous opportunity to celebrate 的 animal that is not only central to 詹姆斯敦’s local culture, but to America’s national identity.
Come out to 布法罗的天 and Enjoy 詹姆斯敦’s Most Beloved Festival
Every year, residents and visitors alike journey to 詹姆斯敦 to enjoy 布法罗的天. 在一篇与 詹姆斯敦太阳报, 艾米丽4, Executive Director of 的 詹姆斯敦 Area Chamber of Commerce, states that 布法罗的天 is a celebration of 詹姆斯敦 itself. “The 詹姆斯敦 Area Chamber of Commerce really enjoys helping organize 布法罗的天. Whe的r it’s your first time in 詹姆斯敦, 你正在拜访家人或朋友, or even co最小值g home for a family or class reunion, we invite everyone to come explore our amazing community and take part in this family-friendly celebration of 詹姆斯敦.”
布法罗的天 is 的 perfect time to come out and enjoy 詹姆斯敦’s splendid summer wea的r and small-town spirit. To see 的 full schedule of events, 点击这里. Or, to learn more about 詹姆斯敦’s local culture and heritage, 点击这里.